
Some of the difficulties that we faced in the development were scaling the screen to fit different iPhone models. Initially, we used constant pixel size for the size of our game view, which was not practical because it would cut out parts of the game when running on smaller screens. Therefore, we used scale to screen size to make the game compatible with different screen sizes to fix the issue. 

Some success that we were able to accomplish was building a complete story flow throughout the game although we had two people working on the story. We were also able to insert puzzles to make the game not just based on choices.

Something we learned was how to collaborate on unity teams (even though it was deprecated in the middle of development). We also learned how to build games for the iOS platform through Xcode as well as troubleshooting for each other when need be. We were able to reuse scenes and components to reduce the workload for each other. 

Something we can improve is to add more different endings based on the decisions the player made to make the game more customized to each choice. We could also aim to add the check point system so that the player can go back to their last choice or wherever they choose to save. 

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