The project was created by Jessica Bek, Claire Huang, Masuma Somji, and Sophie Zhang :)

This game is a 2D Platformer, where the goal is for a prince to escape marriage from a princess who just wants his money.  Obstacles in this game include various shootable monsters and difficult platform jumps. The prince must run, jump, and attack monsters to get to each level's gate, with a total of five levels.

XBOX Controls:


JUMP: Y Button

SHOOT: Right Bumper / X Button



JUMP: Spacebar

SHOOT: Left Click

Development log


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This game is really fun, and the concept is unique. The different types of enemies add a lot of good challenge to the gameplay. The moving platforms are also very fun to navigate. 

One suggestion I have would be to add an on-screen score display to show how many enemies you've defeated, and possibly a minimum requirement for how many enemies to defeat to advance to the next level

Really liked all of the enemy variety that fit with the theme of the game I thought it was really creative! Some of the assets looked like they're a little bit too stretched in some points of the game but overall I think it was very well done!

I really like the aesthetic of the game! I think the everything ties in really nicely. 

I had a lot of fun playing through each level and I really like how it gets progressively more difficult. I especially liked level3 where different types of enemies were included. 

Sometimes it was quite challenging to jump and kill the enemy, which made me want to try again!

The idea of the game is fantastic. I really love the background music, which is so consistent with the story of the game.

Your game is so cute! There is a good amount of detail on both the main character and the objects placed throughout. The story is entertaining (and kinda progressive).

I would recommend using a tilemap so the sprites for ur platforms get really stretched.

The game plot is very innovative. The player as well as the enemy designs are great with compatible background music. The overall difficulty of the game is a little bit lower than medium difficulty. There are some places where it will be challenging to go through by one chance but these are places which makes the overall game enjoyable.

Some suggestions will be I noticed that the player is able to hook on some of the walls and can jump up to the platform when hooking on the wall. In addition, the textures of some of the blocks in the game are becoming blurred and I think this can be fixed by placing smaller segment of the block rather than placing a single long block.

i just love the concept behind this. It reminds me of what Faris said in class about how this could take inspiration in Sonic Adventure, where with one of the characters you play as, the robot was constantly following you around until it kills you. I feel like a mechanic like that would fit really well here, especially if it was the princess trying to get “revenge” on the prince for leaving the marriage. This also reminds me of the trope in certain cartoons/animes where the female character is obsessed with the main protagonist and constantly chases or fangirls over them because of them wanting their love lol. 

I really like the concept of the game and thought the gameplay and story behind it was really funny. I also really liked the music that played throughout the game and the different enemies visible. I think that the consistency of the game design could be improved throughout the level especially for the platforms .

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The inspiration for the game is unique and the character and enemy sprites definitely match it as well. The BGM is really good as well, but I personally wish that it continued throughout each level instead of resetting. The only time I get to the best part of it is when I purposely idle. On the last level it becomes hard to see where to jump to next.  Also the skybox shows at the edges of the levels, so expanding the backdrop might fix that.

I really enjoyed the concept of this game. The sprites are super detailed. One minor thing would be changing the players shirt to contrast the background. Only considering the last image where the player is closer to the pink in the sky. The enemies for this game were interesting and fun to see how each one would be combatted by the player.

I think the theme and inspiration are super funny and the characters tell a comedic, derpy story, which is always entertaining. The art style can be adjusted to make the game a little more put together, like making the different sizes of the pixels consistent. I feel like a good next step would be having a slightly better variety in terms of music across the levels.

The story premise and sprite work of the player character is pretty cool, and a lot of enemies have nice sprites, though it'd be neat if all of them were animated like the rose and chest mimic enemies. One thing that looks a little strange is how the platforms and background look a little stretched, that former might be fixed by mixing a small tile that can be combined to make a platforms/tiles of different sizes and shapes.

I like the concept of the game and the story that it is built around. I think the background music is cool but, when you move to the next level early in the game, it gets cut short. Maybe you could make the music persist through levels to allow it to play completely. Also, the textures for platforms are often stretched out so maybe you could have used tilemaps to help fix that. You could also add some kind of sound effect for when an enemy is killed. Overall, I like the story of the game and the way the visual style matches that. 

The background story of this game is attractive, and the game setting(the sprite, music, etc.) is highly related to it. Also, I like how the game difficulty curves from starting with the basic control to more elements being introduced. A little suggestion is that the cinemachine can be zoomed out a little bit at the last level so the player can see the path they need to go. Overall, the game looks great!

I think the music used in the game is pretty cool. I like the story concept. However, I think you need to make the textures tiled because some of the textures look like they are really stretched out. Also, I think that there maybe should be a bit more variety in terms of the textures so it doesn't look the same every level. I liked it overall though! 

I liked how you guys took a twist to the concept and created this game.  As mentioned in class, I think it would be really cool if we saw the princess chasing the prince in some level (maybe the final level). I also really liked the monster sprites!

I love how simplistic and thematic the game is. The sprites fit very well with a medieval atmosphere. The same goes with the music as well. Perhaps for the future, add a change in the background to signify higher difficulties or change in levels or perhaps add music that would accomplish this task. However, the game feels great overall to play and the story fits perfectly!

The theme and sprites fit extremely well together. The game can be improved by fixing some bugs like platform interactions and the player going out of view of the camera. Other than that, the game is great and follows a nice story!

I think the theme and the sprite work is really well done. The music was also a really nice touch. I think the game can be improved by fixing some interactions and maybe even adding more sound or interesting animations. Overall, I think the game was great. 

The concept is great and fun. I like the sprite artwork and level design and sounds added, it’s clean and works well with the storyline, which is super important in keeping the player engaged. I think the game could be improved by making the edges on the platforms cleaner, maybe by adding curves because it doesn’t integrate well with the background.

I really loved the sprite and animations for the obstacle. The theme was very clear and the music fit well with it as well!! For future iteration, maybe you guys can add items to provide extra ability?

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I really like the sprite and soundtrack. The jumping and shooting feel really nice. The music was super cool but it restarted everytime you hit a new level which was a little bit off.

This game was so adorable and so fun to play. I really like how you guys turned the narrative around and kept the sprites consistent with the theme. The music was also super cute. Really nice work!