
Our successes:

  • Able to implement floating platforms that can be entered from below
  • Learned git skills during the development process of the project
  • Multiple monsters to add more challenges to the game
  • Resolving conflicts and fixing bugs with the help of each other to develop the game
  • Refractored the code base so that monsters, characters and platforms can be reused throughout the game
  • Added sound effects and background music to the game


  • Masuma ran into conflicts in files when there are changes made to existing branch
    • Solution: Had a call with sophie and recloned the remote repo to solve the issue
  • When pulling changes from remote, sprite sheets did not show up in local
    • Solution: the metadata of the sprites were ignored by Git LFS. After removing the setting from git ignore file the issue was solved
  • Claire ran into 90 conflicts when trying to bring in the changes on main into her feature branch
    • Solution: Resolved each conflict manually
  • Jessica was not able to view the sprite designs when pulling from the main branch
    • Solution: Met with TA Faris to resolve the problem

What we learned:

  • How to work collaboratively using github
  • How to add music to our game
  • How to work with sprites in a game
  • How to add animation to characters in the game
  • How to programme the camera so that it follows the main character

Future revisions:

  • Give the prince more abilities such as become invisible to make the game more variant
  • Add item system so the player can choose what weapon they want to use
  • Implement more monsters in the game to make it more challenging
  • Add an ending screen